Offering a variety of chicken breeds and supplies.
We sell both chicks and pullets!
We’ve got everything you need for your chickens, including:
Wood Shavings & Straw Bales
Adult Laying Hens & Baby Chicks
Feed: Conventional, All-Natural, Organic
Feeders and Waterers
Seasonal Supplies
Our Birds
Below are some of the birds we carry, but it varies every year.
Average Mature Weight: 6.5 lbs.
Egg Size: Large
Disposition: Calm
Hardiness: Very heat and cold hardy
Delawares were developed in Delaware and were once the top providers of their meat chicken industry.
Average Mature Weight: 6.5 lbs.
Egg Size: Medium
Egg Production: Good (3-4/week)
Disposition: Friendly, calm, sociable
Hardiness: Very cold hardy
Buckeyes originated in Ohio around the 1890s. They’re great a pet and also help control mouse infestations.
Black Australorp
Average Mature Weight: 6 lbs.
Egg Size: Large
Egg Production: Excellent (5+/week)
Disposition: Docile and quiet
Hardiness: Heat and cold hardy
One Black Australorp can consistently lay up to 250 eggs annually all the way through winter months.
Golden Laced Wyandotte
Average Mature Weight: 6.5 lbs.
Egg Size: Large
Disposition: Docile
Hardiness: Very cold hardy
Golden Laced Wyandottes have beautiful reddish gold feathers lined with black for a very distinct look.
White Pekin
Average Mature Weight: Drake 10-11 lbs./Duck 8-9 lbs.
Egg Size: 90-100 grams.
Class: Heavy
Origin: China
Disposition: Calm
Hardiness: Very heat and cold hardy
White Pekin Ducks are great layers and are perfect for producing duck meat because they are fast growing, have a good feed conversion and an easily cleaned carcass.
Rhode Island Red
Average Mature Weight: 6 lbs.
Egg Size: Large
Egg Production: Excellent (5+/week)
Disposition: Docile
Hardiness: Heat and cold tolerant
Rhode Island State’s official bird can lay around 200-250 eggs per year.
Barred Plymouth Rock
Average Mature Weight: 6 lbs.
Egg Size: Large
Egg Production: Very Good (4/week)
Disposition: Docile
Hardiness: Very cold and hardy
The Barred Plymouth Rock is an all-around great addition to any flock and is very friendly.
Golden Buff
Average Mature Weight: 6 lbs.
Egg Production: 5+/week
Disposition: Very friendly
Hardiness: Very cold hardy, calm, and quiet
The Golden Buff has been available since 1985 and continues to be one of the most popular eggs laying breeds.
*Check your city’s ordinances to make sure it is legal to keep chickens where you live.